'Mama has chosen to stay, the light of Eldar is leaving her. 'Don't lie or change the subject' he adds. 'Why did you not wake last night?' he asks me. 'Show off' I mumble in his head and he chuckles. 'Hello Serena' he says smiling looking at me as he shoots the arrow. I then run off to find Legolas practicing his archery.
He is a Took' Merry states and we all laugh together. 'They are hardy folk' Papa finishes and I wag my tail. 'One thing we've learnt about Hobbits' I tell him. 'Just like Frodo, and Sam' he adds sadly. But I was always there to get him out.And now he's gone' Merry explains. Everywhere I went, since before we were tweens.I would get him into the worst sort of trouble. 'Merry!' Papa calls.From the tower, Merry watches Shadowfax run towards Gondor. So Papa had been filling me in on what had happened.Īnyway, we follow Merry up the stairs of the watch tower. I felt her do it and went into a very deep sleep. Mama had chosen to stay and become mortal. I wasn't there last night when Pippin touched the orb. After Gandalf and Pippin, who are on Shadowfax. Papa and I were walking past the barn when we saw Merry run out.